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Tips on Keeping Your Car Running this Winter

Driving in the winter is certainly no treat. With slick, icy roads and the risk of snow limiting your vision, it can be a stressful experience. But the one thing that is always more stressful than driving in the winter is not being able to drive in the winter because your car broke down. This is something no car owner wants to experience, so read this blog to learn some helpful tips on how to keep your car running all winter long. If something seems amiss, look for car repair in Roswell.

Top Off Antifreeze

First and most simply, ensure that your car has sufficient antifreeze levels at all times. Check your current levels before the winter truly sets in, and make sure to top it off if needed. The antifreeze in your engine keeps the motor from seizing up due to the cold. Proper levels will help to ensure your engine turns over when you try to start your car on chilly mornings.

Check Tire Inflation

Proper tire inflation is vital throughout the year, but is especially important in the winter. With snow and ice on the road, proper traction is hard to come by. The problem is quickly compounded if your tires are not properly inflated–and that includes over inflation. Make sure to keep your tire pressure in the proper range throughout the winter, and check the pressure regularly for your personal safety, and the safety of those around you.

Fill Up Wiper Fluid

While wiper fluid is not essential to the basic function of your car, in winter, it is important for your safety. If you’re driving in the snow, your wipers alone may be able to clear the falling flakes from your windshield. But what happens when a passing truck throws dirty slush up on your windshield? This can stick and obscure your vision, which is a serious safety hazard. Wiper fluid will help to clear that slush off so that you can see and drive safely.

Warm Up the Engine

On particularly chilly mornings, it’s a good idea to let your car’s engine idle for a few minutes before you actually drive it. This allows the motor to warm up, which reduces the amount of strain on the engine when you try accelerating down the road. If your engine is too cold and you accelerate too rapidly, it can cause your engine to seize up.

As always, ensure that you get regular car maintenance to keep your car in proper shape throughout winter.